



ワイヤーおよびケーブルのXiangxiシリコーン潤滑マスターバッチ- PE配合

DX753B is a high molecular weight silicone masterbatch using PE as the carrier. DX753B is mainly used in halogen free flame retardant wire and cables. It has better dispersibility and compatibility in plastics, while having less impact on material mechanical properties. DX753B has better demolding performance and smoothness. It also improve flame retardant and scratch-resistant. What’s more, it improve the external and internal lubrication.

General Characteristics

プロパティ 価値
グレード DX753B
外観 ホワイトペレット
水分 % ≤0.5
効率的なコンテンツ % 55
推奨使用レベル % 0.3-3
推奨使用温度 160-280
MFI (190℃/2.16kg) 2.8
密度 0.94

Wire & cable lubricant masterbatch is PE-carrier silicone masterbatch introduced by Xiangxi. It is dedicated to a variety of wire and cable materials, play a role in reducing wear and tear, improve production efficiency and product stability and yield, solve the problem of mold mouth accumulation of material, reduce torque, internal & external lubrication, and improve the surface of the anti-dust, etc.

